Changes All Around
The topic of this week's report will be all about the recent policy changes that occurred in the Kingdom of Habbo! Some of these changes...
Ask TKC #16: The Campaign
As you may or not be aware, The Kingdom has Elections running for the “Prime Minister” and “Sovereign Electives” positions. I will be...
Attire-ing Ordeal
Hello! This week I will be discussing the Attire Policies that are currently in place, and giving my general opinion on it :) No matter...
Ask TKC: What Are Teams?
What are teams in KoH? First off, a team is where a number of people come together as a group, aka ‘team’, to achieve a certain goal....
Spooky Bases
I have been asked to write about all the base decorations that have been added to KoH for Halloween, and how we can compare it to other...
Ask TKC #13
Is there anything happening for Halloween? We only have a few days to Halloween, and we have events & theme days happening during the...
Ask TKC #12
Welcome to another Ask TKC, and this week I will be answering questions based on a few topics that some people may be afraid to openly...
What's With The Pop?
Throughout the time Habbo has existed, the meaningful importance seems to be the population of rooms. Population makes more people...
Ask TKC #10: The New Pay
Hello and welcome again to the new Ask TKC, and today I will be answering any questions that may be crossing some workers’ minds, and...
What's The Point?
Dear Oli, What is the point of KoH? Why are people here? What are the benefits of joining? What would I do? How is it different from...