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Everyday Visitors

What attracts people to the Kingdom? There are many things that at first glance excite a habbo player. The mention for them to get unlimited amounts of credits for them to spend on clothes and furni. Once they enter the room, the display and detail within the room would leave them surprised and engage them. The magnificent room speaks for itself and displays a legitimate work space as most places you can get scammed for your precious time but the grand room shows value and the abundance of credits. The welcome messages sent by Fill The Front workers can make new visitors feel welcome which is why it is so important to send them regularly so members feel welcome to visit your desk to start their journey. FTF workers do have a large impact on the visitors, if they get an unfriendly greeting by a member it is unlikely that they are going to continue their journey here and move on to the next agency where they will be more ‘appreciated’. It is important to greet new members with their username so they feel included and not to ignore them in other conversations.

The influx of visitors is very important for the Kingdom of Habbo. Some people who visit may end up joining and becoming one with the family, however the amount of times this happens isn't as often as I would hope. The majority of people are discouraged by something within the Kingdom - For example, during some inactive hours when there are few people working, people believe that the Agency is inactive on a whole which isn't true! We can’t adapt our agency and loose its values by trying to be appealing to all as that isn't realistic as you can’t possibly please everyone.

The visitors that do decide to embark on their Royal Journey are of two people. Firstly we have the dedicated member, these are super hard workers who intend to work actively, make friends and contribute within the Kingdom. They stay for a very long amount of time and work for their respect and rank. And on the other hand there are people who flake away extremely quickly. They will join and struggle with meeting pay quests, abiding by the rules and they can’t handle the small amount of conduct required and leave for other chat rooms. They don’t last long and put a strain on our trainers as they are pointlessly training travelers. Obviously there is no way in deciding between the two and you should never refuse to train someone however we can try work harder to keeping these ‘flakers’ in the Kingdom to get them on the same path as the dedicated workers. We can do this by: helping explain how easy it is to complete their pay tasks, encouraging them and highlighting the benefits within the Kingdom. By doing this we can improve the amount of members within the Kingdom making it more active and appealing to others.

Personally, I believe that visitors are crucial to the expansion of the Kingdom of Habbo. Without these people, which was once you, we couldn't go on and continue the beautiful community we have. By adding new members we are adding to the diversity and we can learn something as everyone has different hobbies and opinions which will broaden our outlook. We must thank the Commissioners team for recruiting new members who may have not found the Kingdom in the first place, some of these members become super successful within the Kingdom. Without members what would the Kingdom of Habbo be?

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