Ask TKC #46
It’s nearing the end of the month and I was wondering where I could submit my votes for Member of the Month? Do we still do that in the Kingdom?
Member of the Month is still going to happen. Ceremonial Events will be responsible for it but as of now it is being organised so it just a wait for its return.
I read in Pay Policies that there will be a Bonus Pay that can be obtained during weekly meetings. When will these meeting occur and at what time?
The meetings date and time is still to be decided. You might not think it however it is a very important decision as it needs to accessible to a large group of people. It will be announced at some point.
I've know about the Jousting Room Competition Design for a while now and I'm still waiting for further details. Will it be out soon and if so, by what date will it be released?
In the previous Ask TKC a little was mentioned about what is required however it has been said that more information will be released on the forums. Keep a look out for further details which you have been waiting for, it will be here soon!
I really want to join a team but I don't know if they're still accepting. Is there a certain amount of members required for each team?
Teams are a wonderful aspect of KoH. I believe it's what makes our agency unique. Teams do have a certain amount of members for each position needed within the team however the team members change a lot. As members leave for important reasons or they feel they don't want to continue a spot can open for new members. This can happen at any point so I would put in an application so when the spot opens up you are first to be reviewed. A way to see if there are spots open is by looking out for announcements in Kik, forums or in base. Civics affairs will announce if there is team looking for applications and then you can respond if you wish to do it that way. Also you can contact team leaders and express your wish to join their team.
For the forums, will I still have to use the old forum to search for old ID’s or can I find it elsewhere on the new forums? For example, I can find the #9000+ ID’s but where do I find the #8000+ ID’s?
You don't have to use the old forum to search for ID’s you just need to go on the ID library and look at the tabs on the bottom of the document then click 0000-9000s. Once you are on this page you can either manually search for the ID’s, which I don't recommend. You can search for ID’s by pressing CTRL+F then you can type in the ID into the search bar.