Ministry Madness
Hello, this week I have been asking some people within our kingdom how they are finding the changes that have happened recently. Most prevalently, I have been asking about the change back from ministries to 'a simple rank system' and teams.
1) Do you prefer the idea of the "simple" rank system or did you prefer the ic system?
Samj_5678: I prefer the new simpler rank system.
Liuliu_Liuliu: The simple system is much better.
Starlight6666: I preferred the Ic system as I had an important role as a governor abd now I don't.
2) Has this change directly affected you? How?
Samj_5678: I lost my governor rank.
Liuliu_Liuliu: I can join more teams now since I'm no longer in ic.
Starlight6666: I lost a lot of ranks and have been demoted to gatekeeper.
3) Are there any other rank systems we should try?
Samj_5678: I can't currently think of any systems we should try out.
Liuliu_Liuliu: I like the current system so, no.
Starlight6666: I'm not so sure about an entire new ranking system, I like this one.
4) How could we improve the current system?
Samj_5678: since it is a new system I haven't thought of any ways It could be improved yet.
Liuliu_Liuliu: not currently, I like it!
Starlight6666: I think they could remove a few ranks as there's over 100 ranks to go through and that's a lot to me! Also I think they could change the peasant rank so it sounds a little less demeaning
5) Any other comments?
Samj_5678: not currently.
Liuliu_Liuliu: Thankyou for the work!
Starlight6666: nothing at the moment
As you can see from the answers I received, it seems that there were fans of the ministries as well as the simpler rank system. Instead of wanting to try a new system, however, the people I interviewed wanted to keep this system from now on however Srarlight6666 has made the point that to improve, we could erase some ranks as currently there are over 100 - a lot by anyone's imagination.
Thank you for reading.