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Starting Afresh

This week I asked people the following questions related to the new base currently being build, here were this week’s answers:

What do you think about the idea of a new Base?

Rhinarium: I always love the idea of having a new base! It’s always nice to see what designs Bri can come up with! New bases are always a nice change!

Domooooooo: I really like the idea. I’ve always liked changes so it’s going to be exciting!

Diddles26346: I think having a new base will help to develop KoH even further and bring in changes to better the base.

Is there anything you would like to see added to the new Base?

Rhinarium: I used to love the stairs in the old base, It would be cool to see that reincorporated, I would also enjoy seeing the statues too!

Domooooooo: I’m not sure if it’s too important but I think it would be nice to relocate the sofas near the organ to another area that’s not in the corner and so hidden!

Diddles26346: There isn't really anything I notice that the current base is lacking but more space for the welcome station could be beneficial.

Is there anything you’d like taken away in the new Base?

Rhinarium: No, I like everything about our current base.

Domooooooo: I can’t think of anything at the moment!

Diddles26346: No not really I think KoH has all the necessary things for a good base and more I wouldn't remove anything.

How do you feel about the current Base?

Rhinarium: I like it but there’s maybe a little too much hallway space.

Domooooooo: It’s amazing although because of the size I do have to scroll across the page to get from security to training.

Diddles26346: The current base is what we have grown used to for a while and it's going to be strange in a new base again but it will all be for the better.

Do you like the medieval theme the current Base has?

Rhinarium: Of course! The medieval theme is what attracted me to KoH!

Domooooooo: Yes, I love it! I think it’s unique and it just brings out the theme as a whole and creates a great atmosphere!

Diddles26346: I love the medieval theme ! I don't think it would be KoH without it and it definitely would change the whole entire feel of the KoH base. I wouldn't change this unique factor of the base for anything!

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