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Internal Affairs

The Kingdom’s Internal Affairs is a team dedicated to the upkeep of teams and base management within our agency. The IA team, also known as Kingdom’s Ministry maintains and ensures that base, forums and kik are running smoothly. Base announcement takes place with the Kingdom while at the Internal Affairs podium, located both sides of the dragon statue. They also manage Kik group chats and forum announcements.

All of the teams have a transparent way to choose their team members, using the applications on Team Forums. But in Internal Affairs (IA), I believe people tend to know which people seem qualified but would not do at announcements, as compared to others.

For what I understand, there are at least two possibilities to get a spot in the Kingdom Ministry:

  • Be more active on kik, forums or base

  • Talk to Andrew if you are interested. He can help you with it.

Announcements made within the Kingdom are to be said directly and towards the entire Kingdom. At no time IA members must make announcements directed towards individual. Internal Affair members exercise their role in three areas, which are – Base, Kik and Forums. Base announcements are solely about the HQ, stations, events, teams, rules/policies, or any general updates regarding the Kingdom. They can also host events in times of need, however should never interfere with events planned by the Events Team. Kik management is done by IA team too. They are in charge of announcements in the group chats. They can host trivia within Kik too. They also inform admins of the chats if the group chats are full t remove inactive members and anyone who is being inappropriate. Forum is yet another field where IA members work on. They are the ones who do announcements on the forums and help manage the forum games. They can also use the “chat” options on forums to prompt communication and use forums.

IA members enjoy many privileges. They are the only ones who can use grey chats, even when it’s not a Freedom Friday. But that was be done only in the podiums. Different colour is used in the case of announcements, because it can be noticed by everyone. In such case, you will not miss out any important events or anything coming up. They also are in continuous touch with all the other teams. Just in case they are looking for any members, IA helps them advertise it again and again. Another privilege is that they are in all the kik group chats. It makes the announcements and managing group chats with active members easier.

Being a part of the Kingdom’s Ministry is a high honour that awaits all whom choose to become part of it!

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