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Finding 5iLs

Welcome to this week’s edition of TKC! This week I asked 3 of our founders about 5iL applications and the process of it all. I asked Lalaaloopsy (Queen of Habbo), Phusion (Heiress to the Throne), and Andrewday11 (Prince). Let’s get started!

What kind of things do you look for when looking at a 5iL application?

Bri: We want to make sure activity is excellent in an applicant as it is a vital aspect to a thriving agency to have active leadership.

Sharon: The foundation looks for professionalism, commitment, and the willingness to grow.

Andrew: Being active and members who stand out.

Why are these things important to you personally, as you are making the best decision for the kingdom?

Bri: The reason ensuring activity is so important to myself personally is because as the owner of an agency it is important for me to know my leaders on a personal level. If my in line members are active it gives me a better chance of knowing them and developing a trust with them.

Sharon: These things are important in being strong leaders. Professionalism is necessary to be able to conduct yourself in the correct and appropriate manner. Commitment is required to stay loyal and driven for the KoH. Lastly, the willingness to grow and learn is super important because we are all not perfect and everyone has an area to grow in!

Andrew: Because we want leaders who are active and able to help the kingdom in every way possible.

Do you ever feel like you want to take more 5iLs than you can at that moment? Why or why not?

Bri: I think we have a good amount of 5iL positions at the moment when considering the ratio of iL members to low rank members.

Sharon: Of course. There are so many members that show so much love and potential. However, due to spaces we are limited. It is very encouraging to see so many members with much determination.

Andrew: At the moment, no. I don’t believe I feel we would be overloading the amount of iL’s.

What is the most difficult part of choosing the new 5iLs?

Bri: The most difficult part of choosing is not being able to choose everyone. As founders, we understand that everyone deserves a chance at our leadership roles and we are doing all that we can to make that happen.

Sharon: The most difficult part would have to be cutting down on who we have to choose and discussing within our foundation who is a better candidate.

Andrew: Everything, everyone is so great!

What is your favorite part about choosing them?

Bri: My favorite part about choosing the new 5iLs is getting to promote someone who is here everyday, working hard and has been here a while but is pretty far from iL ranks. That huge jump in ranks must make that individual happy and that’s all I want out of this game. I just want to make my friends happy.

Sharon: The moment when they get promoted, you can truly feel how proud and honored they are.

Andrew: Their reaction when we promote them.

Thank you three for the interviews! It really was an honor to interview each one of you and get your answers.

Tune in next week for another edition of TKC!

Be Well and Thrive,


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