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The Base and Stations

Welcome to TKC! This week we will be discussing the new base design, all the stations of KoH and what they are used for! Let’s get started.

Let’s start off with the new base design! The new design gives a fresh start to the new year as well as making the whole room much smaller and more functional!

Here is a picture of the old and new base side by side:

As you can see, the base is much more compact and therefore people can get to their stations faster and easier! The stations have been moved around a little bit such as FTS (Fill the Security) being moved to the back of the room instead of being in the middle towards the front. Also FTTD (Fill the Transfer Desk) has been moved to the front of the room in-between FTF (Fill the Front) rather than in the upper left of the room in the old base.

Now, that we have become accustomed with the new base, let’s discuss the stations, VIP area, and gates!

This is FTF (Fill the Front):

FTF is where we recruit possible new members as well as send welcome messages. This is one of the most crucial parts of the Kingdom. It teaches discipline to our members as well as beginning their journey.

Division members can FTF: Peasantry

This is FTB (Fill the Back):

This is a very important part of the Kingdom, even though it may not look like much. FTB is where members can go when they need to AFK or BRB. Without doing so, we might have a whole base of idling members!

Division members can FTB: Peasantry (also includes alts, Royal Guests, and Honored Guests)

This is FTS (Fill the Security):

FTS is where members of the Kingdom are checked for proper B.A.M and Kingdom ID. This is why new members are told to remember their IDs. Without them, they may not be able to get into base. Members who are occupying FTS will check an LR’s Badge, Motto, and Attire to make sure it fits the requirements. They will also check Kingdom ID to make sure that ID matches the person and to make sure they have the right rank on the KoH forums.

Division members can FTS: Trades Worker

This is FTT (Fill the Training):

FTT is where new members of the Kingdom take their test, and if they pass it, gets their very own Kingdom ID. This is a very important part of the new member’s journey.

Division members can FTT: Castle Worker

This is FTWS (Fill the Welcome Station):

New members not only have to go through initial training, but they must also go through our welcoming system. This secondary training allows the new member to learn more about the Kingdom and better understand what they will be doing. They can also take this time to get any questions they have answered and also take a tour of the base.

Division members can FTWS: Wizard

This is FTHD (Fill the Help Desk):

In this station, all members of the Kingdom can get their questions answered about the Kingdom from an experienced member. These questions can vary from “What teams are open to applications at the moment?” to “How many hours do I have to work before I can receive a promotion?”. This is also the place where you can redeem your Pay Points.

Division members can FTHD: Shadow

This is FTTD (Fill the Transfer Desk):

Transferring is a very common thing that happens in the Kingdom. This is where we help transfer people from other agencies to this one. Because agencies have different ranking systems and names, we must convert someone to the rank they would be at KoH if they want to join.

Division members can FTTD: Ranger

This is the VIP Area:

This area is where RO+ (Royal Official+) members can go to relax or hang out for a little bit. The two red thrones are for our Queen, LaLaaLoopsy and our Heiress, Phusion.

Division members can access the VIP Area: Warlord+

These are the Podiums:

The Podiums are important to the Kingdom because this is where iL members make announcements to the entire base.

Lastly on our tour of the Kingdom, we will be going over the gates in base. Each gate leads to a different part of the Kingdom and is accessible to different people. These gates can only be entered by people who have the same badge as the gate. For example, if someone has the Warlord badge, they can enter the gate that let’s only Warlord+ people in. If someone doesn’t have that badge, they can’t enter the gate.

This is the Warlord+ Gate:

Members that are on the Warlord badge can go through this gate and land directly in FTB in base instead of having to go through FTS before doing so.

These are the Royal Guest and Honored Guest Gates:

People with either of these badges can be transported into base through these gates.

That concludes this week’s report! I hope you learned something new today that you maybe didn't know! Have a great day.

Be Well and Thrive,


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