Ask TKC #17
1. What type of social media does KoH have and where can you find them?
You may be asking yourself where, other than Habbo, you can find KoH and its members. Maybe you are, maybe you’re not..either way I am here to tell you exactly where else on the internet we are!
We have multiple kik chats constantly on the go. If you have kik and are not yet in any of the General Chats please go to a Royal Official who can invite you in. This chat is for general conversations and getting to know each other. Other chats we have are specific teams within KoH. As soon as you join a team you’ll be invited to their kik chat.
In terms of social media, we have a Twitter account - @RKingdomOfHabbo and Facebook – search The Royal Kingdom of Habbo or @kingdomofhabbo.
2. What can you do to get noticed more by founders?
As we all know, founders are constantly on the lookout for great workers. Promotions are a good way of rewarding work in KoH and promoting into the iL ranks is even better! But what exactly constitutes ‘working hard’, what are they looking for? What catches founders’ eyes in regards to prospective promotees is when they can see that the person is going above and beyond for not only people who would like to join KoH but also their fellow KoH members. Helping someone with a task they may be struggling with or even just offering a helping hand is a fantastic way to earn favour from founders. There are many things even Peasantry workers can do to go above and beyond for someone, eg. saying ‘exit lobby’ to help a new member find exactly whatever it is you’re trying to explain to them or describing something in detail to avoid confusion. The founders also keep a keen eye on teams within KoH. Those who do tasks with plenty of time to spare and offer to help others in need will surely get noticed!
3. What are the ways you can rank up? (promo, promo line, GM, pay points, rank sales)
At KoH we are lucky to have so many ways to gain ranks! As we all know, we have the traditional promotion system in which higher ranks will promote those lower in rank to them. There are policies that state which ranks can promote which ranks and a promotion timeline to make sure everyone is promoted fairly. Another reward system we have at KoH is the Pay Point method. For every three pay points you receive, you can trade them in to a 2iL+ for a promotion! There are also other ways to earn a promotion. These include in a promotion line – a certain target is set for all members in base (e.g. 50 population) and when this has been completed everyone gets rewarded with a promotion, General Meeting – occurring every Saturday and 8pm GMT and Sunday at 4am GMT. If you attend one of these meetings, you will be rewarded with a promotion – neat huh? Obviously, there are also rank sales. If you wish, you can buy a promotion or twelve with credits. The price list for ranks can be found on the main website – under the ‘Ranks’ tab at the top. Please remember to only buy ranks from the authorised Rank Sellers: LaLaaLoopsy, Phusion, -Kaylalicious, Andrewday11, :Tanya and oreo270.
4. Why does KoH sell ranks/where does the money from rank sales go?
The money that is given to the rank seller in exchange for the rank go towards the upkeep of KoH. Agencies are very expensive things to run in Habbo, often costing the owner/owners quite a lot of real money. From the initial outlay for all of the equipment in base, the credits needed to make badges and extra rooms to paying each of the members every week (or the possibility of every DAY with Pay Points)! All of the money that rank sellers get goes back into KoH for the enjoyment of everyone.
5. What teams are looking for more members?
We, at The Kingdom Chronicles are currently looking for a Columnist – The Columnists of TKC are issued with two unique tasks each week: a Q&A, and an opinion blog. Each week, one member will do the Q&A while the other does the opinion blog and the next week they swap.
The Columnist completing the Q&A task for the week will be issued with an assortment of 5-6 questions, asked either by the TKC leads or members of KoH, and will be expected to give meaningful, interesting answers. Consider this the ‘Ask Amy’ section of the blog: people can write it for advice about working at KoH, how to fulfil certain duties, and much more.
Opinion Blog
The Columnist completing the Opinion task for the week will be issued with a topic to talk about on a personal level. Think of an opinion column in a magazine or newspaper - the Columnist has the opportunity to discuss what is important to them, express their opinion, and offer thought-provoking comments to the readers. Examples might include discussing their opinion on a new policy change, a recent event, or something equally topical.
Warlord +
Ability to write with excellent English and use correct spelling and grammar
Extensive knowledge of and experience with the Kingdom of Habbo
If you are interested in applying for TKC – please go to the team forum found under the ‘Forums’ tab on the main website.
Another team on the lookout for new members is the Recruitment Team –
Warlord +
Personable character – willing to converse with new people.
Advertisers :
To go into Public rooms e.g. Clubs, etc (NO AGENCIES) and promo Kingdom of Habbo name.
To go into Public rooms and add people to send them invites advertising there Kingdom of Habbo.
Recruiters :
To go into public rooms and talk to people to persuade them to join Kingdom of Habbo.
To go to public rooms and bring them back to the kingdom so they can see/Join the kingdom.
If you are interested in applying for RT – please go to the team forum found under the ‘Forums’ tab on the main website.