Royal Elections
Welcome everyone to this week’s issue of TKC! For this week, I will be discussing everything that’s been happening with the elections recently. From the speeches to the voting, I’ll be giving you all the info you need to know about this exciting time.
In case you haven’t heard, there are two roles available to get elected from. Sovereign Elective (SE) and Prime Minister (PM). SE has two spots for whoever gets elected, one for the Prince and one for the Princess. Prime Minister has only one spot for whoever gets elected.
These are the candidates running and who people have voted for:
Prime Minister:
#Conquer - .:.Apollo.:. (Ryan)
#AspireTo - Unliving (Chloe)
Sovereign Elective:
#Ambition - :Tanya (Tanya) & oreo270 (Paige)
#Carryon - kirst345 (Kirsty) & levag (Jade)
To start off the week, the candidates gave their speeches. Each one did incredibly well and made us all proud. If you’d like to see the candidates speeches, you can go to the general forum or see the Youtube video here:
Here are a few excerpts from each speech:
“I want to, as Prime Minister, help all ranks be recognized for making an effort to connect with people, because ultimately, our agency is about understanding each other’s abilities and helping each other become better. This is what a family does, after all. Conquer any obstacle together.”
“I want my dedication and enthusiasm to inspire and encourage the community. You can be who you want to be, you can make a change if you #AspireTo ! Do what your heart desires and you will forever be happy. I am striving for joy among all members, regardless of your time here.”
“We came into the Kingdom with high hopes of making lifelong friends, and we were not disappointed. Tanya & I are not only campaign partners, but we are best friends too. We hope to inspire this kind of friendship within each and every one of you. You deserve to have what we have. Our campaign motto is Every Member, Growing Together. Together, we can become one and flourish.”
“Both Kirst and I have faced a lot of things inside and out of Habbo which have gotten in our way, knocked us down or tried to stop us from getting back up. In these situations all we have ever done is carried on, worked harder, tried something new and kept our heads high. We believed that this was the best party name for us because it represents us not only as individuals, not only as a team, but what we want to bring to all of you.”
After the speeches, it was time for the people of KoH to come forward and ask our candidates questions about how they will help run the kingdom. There was also a place for members to ask the candidates on the general forum if they couldn't make it to the Q&A. After given a question, the candidates had three minutes to answer. In my opinion, all of the candidates handled the questions extremely well, even if some of the questions were a little difficult to answer.
Lastly, it was time for KoH members to vote for who they wanted as their Sovereign Electives and Prime Minister. Phusion, Heiress to the Throne, held a special polling place for members to vote. The criteria to vote was that you had to be a Trades Worker+ and have worked at KoH for at least 5 days. Once in the tent with the Heiress, she would ask you to name the candidates you would like to vote for. For example, if she asked for Prime Minister, you would whisper her with either #Conquer or #AspireTo. She then recorded the vote for later counting.
At the time of writing this, we still don’t know who will be our Prime Minister and Sovereign Electives for the next 4 months. However, I believe that whoever does get elected, deserves that place and I know they will be fantastic leaders. Not only as people of high power who help control the kingdom, but as friends and family. No matter who gets the position of these roles, please give them a chance, even if it wasn't who you voted for. Everyone deserves a chance at success, including them. These people want you to succeed, so in turn, I ask that you want them to succeed as well.
Be Well and Thrive,